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Federal Probation Journal

Federal Probation Journal, published each June, September, and December, presents current thought, research, and practice in corrections, community supervision, and criminal justice.

Article Title Topic Date
Perspectives on Parole: The Board Members' Viewpoint Parole June 1999
A Comprehensive Approach to Supervision in the Southern District of West Virginia Supervision June 1999
Communication Between Probation Officers and Judges: An Innovative Model Probation June 1999
Matching Drug-Involved Probationers to Appropriate Drug Interventions Substance Use June 1999
The Imposition of Restitution in Federal Criminal Cases December 1998
"Up to Speed": Exploring the Implications of Four Sanctioning Orientations for Community Corrections Supervision, Restorative justice December 1998
Successful Mentoring in a Correctional Environment Management, Training December 1998
Correctional Officer Stress: A Cause for Concern and Additional Help Management, Training December 1998
What Do We Know About Anger Management Programs in Corrections? Supervision December 1998
A Continuum of Sanctions for Substance Abusing Offenders Substance Use December 1998
A Decade of Experimenting with Intermediate Sanctions: What Have We Learned? Probation, Supervision December 1998
Electronic Monitoring: What Does the Literature Tell Us? Location Monitoring December 1998
When an Employee Dies: Managing the Aftermath of a Critical Incident Management December 1998
Organizational Probation Under the Federal Sentencing Guidelines Management December 1998
Operation Spotlight: The Community Probation-Community Police Team Process Probation, Supervision December 1998
The Impact of Treatment: The Jefferson County (Kentucky) Drug Court Program Substance Use December 1998
The Effectiveness of Coerced Treatment for Drug-Abusing Offenders Substance Use June 1998
Monitoring Prescription Medication Use Among Substance-Abusing Offenders Substance Use June 1998
The Probation and Pretrial Services Automated Case Tracking System: A Review of Operations Federal Courts June 1998
REDUCE: The Six Aims of Financial Investigations for Probation Officers Fines, Fees, and Restitution June 1998
The Failure of Correctional Management: Rhetoric Versus the Reality of Leadership Management June 1998
Changing Lives Through Literature Prison June 1998
Creating a Probation Automated Recording System: Issues and Considerations Probation June 1998
Strength-Based Practice: The ABC'S oF Working with Adolescents Who Don't Want to Work With You Juveniles June 1998
Rethinking the Assumptions About Boot Camps Prison June 1998