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Select reporting period
Title Publication Table Number Reporting Period Publication Name Download
Work of the Federal Judiciary JCI December 31, 2001 Statistical Tables For The Federal Judiciary
Table JCI—U.S. Federal Courts Statistical Tables For The Federal Judiciary (December 31, 2001)
pdf, 5.85 KB
Bankruptcy Cases Filed, Terminated, and Pending F September 30, 2001 Judicial Business
Table F—U.S. Bankruptcy Courts Judicial Business (September 30, 2001)
pdf, 14.78 KB
Bankruptcy Cases Filed, Terminated, and Pending F September 30, 2001 Bankruptcy Filings
Table F— Bankruptcy Filings (September 30, 2001)
xls, 213.50 KB
Business and Nonbusiness Cases Filed, by Chapter of the Bankruptcy Code F-2 September 30, 2001 Bankruptcy Filings
Table F-2— Bankruptcy Filings (September 30, 2001)
xls, 54.50 KB
Business and Nonbusiness Cases Filed, by Chapter of the Bankruptcy Code F-2 September 30, 2001 Judicial Business
Table F-2—U.S. Bankruptcy Courts Judicial Business (September 30, 2001)
pdf, 20.43 KB
Business and Nonbusiness Cases Filed, by Chapter of the Bankruptcy Code F-2 (Three Months) September 30, 2001 Bankruptcy Filings
Table F-2 (Three Months)— Bankruptcy Filings (September 30, 2001)
xls, 52.00 KB
Bankruptcy Cases Filed, Terminated, and Pending F June 30, 2001 Statistical Tables For The Federal Judiciary
Table F—U.S. Bankruptcy Courts Statistical Tables For The Federal Judiciary (June 30, 2001)
pdf, 17.45 KB
Bankruptcy Cases Filed, Terminated, and Pending F June 30, 2001 Bankruptcy Filings
Table F— Bankruptcy Filings (June 30, 2001)
xls, 40.00 KB
Business and Nonbusiness Cases Filed, by Chapter of the Bankruptcy Code F-2 June 30, 2001 Statistical Tables For The Federal Judiciary
Table F-2—U.S. Bankruptcy Courts Statistical Tables For The Federal Judiciary (June 30, 2001)
pdf, 23.09 KB
Business and Nonbusiness Cases Filed, by Chapter of the Bankruptcy Code F-2 June 30, 2001 Bankruptcy Filings
Table F-2— Bankruptcy Filings (June 30, 2001)
xls, 56.00 KB
Business and Nonbusiness Cases Filed, by Chapter of the Bankruptcy Code F-2 (Three Months) June 30, 2001 Bankruptcy Filings
Table F-2 (Three Months)— Bankruptcy Filings (June 30, 2001)
xls, 55.00 KB
Work of the Federal Judiciary JCI June 30, 2001 Statistical Tables For The Federal Judiciary
Table JCI—U.S. Federal Courts Statistical Tables For The Federal Judiciary (June 30, 2001)
pdf, 8.20 KB
Bankruptcy Cases Filed, Terminated, and Pending F March 31, 2001 Federal Judicial Caseload Statistics
Table F—U.S. Bankruptcy Courts Federal Judicial Caseload Statistics (March 31, 2001)
pdf, 14.95 KB
Bankruptcy Cases Filed, Terminated, and Pending F March 31, 2001 Bankruptcy Filings
Table F— Bankruptcy Filings (March 31, 2001)
xls, 42.50 KB
Business and Nonbusiness Cases Filed, by Chapter of the Bankruptcy Code F-2 March 31, 2001 Bankruptcy Filings
Table F-2— Bankruptcy Filings (March 31, 2001)
xls, 55.50 KB
Business and Nonbusiness Cases Filed, by Chapter of the Bankruptcy Code F-2 March 31, 2001 Federal Judicial Caseload Statistics
Table F-2—U.S. Bankruptcy Courts Federal Judicial Caseload Statistics (March 31, 2001)
pdf, 17.94 KB
Business and Nonbusiness Cases Filed, by Chapter of the Bankruptcy Code F-2 (Three Months) March 31, 2001 Bankruptcy Filings
Table F-2 (Three Months)— Bankruptcy Filings (March 31, 2001)
xls, 58.00 KB
Work of the Federal Judiciary JCI March 31, 2001 Federal Judicial Caseload Statistics
Table JCI—U.S. Federal Courts Federal Judicial Caseload Statistics (March 31, 2001)
pdf, 9.17 KB
Bankruptcy Cases Filed, Terminated, and Pending F September 30, 2000 Judicial Business
Table F—U.S. Bankruptcy Courts Judicial Business (September 30, 2000)
pdf, 14.94 KB
Business and Nonbusiness Cases Filed, by Chapter of the Bankruptcy Code F-2 September 30, 2000 Judicial Business
Table F-2—U.S. Bankruptcy Courts Judicial Business (September 30, 2000)
pdf, 17.80 KB
Bankruptcy Cases Filed, Terminated, and Pending F September 30, 1999 Judicial Business
Table F—U.S. Bankruptcy Courts Judicial Business (September 30, 1999)
pdf, 13.40 KB
Business and Nonbusiness Cases Filed, by Chapter of the Bankruptcy Code F-2 September 30, 1999 Judicial Business
Table F-2—U.S. Bankruptcy Courts Judicial Business (September 30, 1999)
pdf, 17.26 KB
Bankruptcy Cases Filed, Terminated, and Pending F September 30, 1998 Judicial Business
Table F—U.S. Bankruptcy Courts Judicial Business (September 30, 1998)
pdf, 73.41 KB
Business and Nonbusiness Cases Filed, by Chapter of the Bankruptcy Code F-2 September 30, 1998 Judicial Business
Table F-2—U.S. Bankruptcy Courts Judicial Business (September 30, 1998)
pdf, 91.12 KB
Bankruptcy Cases Filed, Terminated, and Pending F September 30, 1997 Judicial Business
Table F—U.S. Bankruptcy Courts Judicial Business (September 30, 1997)
pdf, 20.81 KB
Business and Nonbusiness Cases Filed, by Chapter of the Bankruptcy Code F-2 September 30, 1997 Judicial Business
Table F-2—U.S. Bankruptcy Courts Judicial Business (September 30, 1997)
pdf, 24.33 KB